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Jennifer Lawrence, Ariana Grande among those exposed in nude photo leak Reuters
The Internet went crazy over the weekend after nude pictures of numerous female celebrities were leaked online.

Nude photos of Hunger Games star Jennifer Lawrence, model Kate Upton, singers Selena Gomez and Ariana Grande and Kirsten Dunst – among many others – leaked online Sunday morning in one of the biggest celebrity hacking scandals in recent memory.

The images, which first appeared on image-sharing site 4chan, show most of the celebrities nude or in provocative poses.

A spokesperson for Lawrence confirmed the photos were real and blasted the hackers for their “flagrant violation of privacy”. “The authorities have been contacted and will prosecute anyone who posts the stolen photos of Jennifer Lawrence,” her representative warned.

A total of 101 celebrities were purportedly hacked, although it’s unclear how many of those photos are authentic. Others on the list include Aubrey Plaza, Kim Kardashian, Vanessa Hudgens, Rihanna, Lea Michele, Hillary Duff, Cat Deeley and US soccer star Hope Solo.

It’s unknown how the risque photos made it online but Hollywood stars have been heavily targeted by hackers in recent years. In 2012, a man was sentenced to 10 years in prison for posting nude images of Scarlett Johansson which were taken from her cellphone.
What do you think about the celeb nude photo scandal?
How Celebrities Can Protect Their Privacy Online?
How to Protect Your Privacy?
How to Protect Your Private Data in the cloud?
What do you think of Hollywood movie stars?
What do you think about hackers?
What to do if someone stolen your data online?

What is the punishment if someone is caught hacking into another computer?


How to Come Out of the Closet wikhow

    1    Acceptance! Accept yourself for who you are. You can never be comfortable telling people about your sexual orientation when you're not comfortable with it yourself. You're just as much a person as another orientation. It doesn't make you any different than anyone else. You are a perfect human being.
    2    Who's first? Decide who to come out to first. Choose someone you trust and who might be able to help you when things get tough. Many people tell a good friend first, before they tell their parents. Start with someone you know to be accepting, who does not have a habit of outing other people. Listen for how they react to others. You could choose a counselor for this to get some training in how to come out from an expert, just make sure the counselor is gay-friendly before coming out.
    3   Prepare yourself for a lot of questions. Many people you come out to have no idea what it's like to be gay. Homophobia is often based in ignorance. Some of the questions may even be insulting, but they're genuinely confused. They might not understand the difference between a gay person and someone who's transgender, for example, and come back with "Does that mean you want a sex change?"

   4    Approach. Choose your approach. If you're dealing with someone who has a very strong opinion about gay people, you might want to come out very carefully. If you are dealing with your parents, think about their reaction first. You want them to accept you, but consider that this could be hard for them, too. Prepare yourself for a not too enthusiastic reaction, and just be grateful if they say they love you, even if they need some time to get used to the idea.
  5  Be prepared with the URL and phone number for PFLAG. Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays has a lot of experience helping parents and friends overcome their initial shock and fears. This is a support group that can help your loved ones in a big way and a resource you should hand them on your first discussion. They may not want it at first or they may surprise you and become very active in it. It's there for them in ways you can't be though, like any support group it's most effective for those actually in the situation.
How to Tell Your Family That You Are Gay / Lesbian?
How to Tell Your Friends You're Gay / Lesbian?
How to Know if You Are Gay / Lesbian?
How can you tell if someone who is gay/ Lesbian?
Do you support gay rights? Do you support gay marriage?
How should I react if someone insults you by calling you gay ?
Why do people use the word "gay" as an insult?
Firm sells waste oil as cooking oil  China Post
TAIPEI, Taiwan -- The Southern Taiwan Investigation Center of the Criminal Investigation Bureau (CIB) busted an illegal oil supplier yesterday, saying that the main suspect, surnamed Kuo, recycled cooking oil and sold it to oil manufacturers as a fresh product. This resulted in at least 200 tons of waste oil entering the food market.
Q: What are your opinions about “waste oil and sold it to oil manufacturers as a fresh product”?

美國女演員詹妮弗·勞倫斯(Jennifer Lawrence)的照片都被洩露在互聯網上流傳

蘋果公司證實,眾多女明星裸照被公之於眾,是由於有些明星的iCloud 帳戶密碼被盜。










「所有我們調查過的個案結果都沒有發現任何蘋果系統本身,無論是iCloud還是尋找iPhone 被人破壞。我們將繼續與執法部門合作幫助找到肇事的不法之徒。」


(編譯:羅玲 責編:董樂)


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