周六(9/6) 1.「情商」是成功關鍵 2.挖金礦的女人

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Your EQ, not Your IQ, is Your Key to Success and Happiness
By Lisa Smith, MHt, NLP, CC

For a long time, one's IQ (Intelligence Quotient) was considered the leading determinant of success (financial and personal). However, as more studies looked into the lifestyles and success factors of those with high IQ's, it became clear that this theory did not bear itself out. Many with high IQs had lives that were filled with work and relationship failures.

In 1995, a new concept in success and happiness was introduced in a book by Daniel Goleman called "Emotional Intelligence." In what was labeled "a groundbreaking concept," Goleman coined the term "emotional intelligence" and defined it as the ability to develop and sustain loving relationships with others, be highly self-aware yet have empathy for people and situations outside of themselves, and have a strong sense of altruism--giving back.

Based on brain and behavioral research, people with high EQ were shown to be those who truly succeeded in their work and personal lives, establishing flourishing careers and lasting, meaningful relationships.

As humans, we are highly emotional beings. We tend to run more off of our emotions than our intellect. I see this all the time in my hypnotherapy and coaching clients. Logically, what they are doing doesn't make sense, yet they continue to do it anyway and don't know how to stop.

What we are creating in our lives is the result of actions and our actions are based on our emotions. We tend to act more on things that are charged with emotion (E-Motion = Energy in Motion). Therefore, it makes sense that the ability to feel, identify, communicate, use, learn from, and manage our emotions will allow us to navigate life more easily and create more of what we want in our lives and less of what we don't.

Whether one's EQ is genetic and fixed or can be developed as children or even adults is still under debate. However, I am of the opinion that it can be developed with good resources and training. Why do I believe this? Because I have worked with hundreds of clients to do just that and have seen great transformations occur as a result.
Do you believe that our EQ is key to success and happiness?
Is EQ genetic or can be developed?
Is IQ fixed or can be developed?
IQ or EQ: which one is more important?
People have higher IQ or higher EQ who have a strong sense of altruism? Why?
What are the factors for success?
How to manage our emotions?
Can we really improve our emotional intelligence?
Can having a high IQ/EQ be bad?
What are the factors for happiness?
Warning Signs You’re Dating a Gold Digger (joanncohen.com)

Here are warning signs I’ve observed that mean your new girlfriend might be a gold digger:

She’s overly interested in what you do for a living.
 It’s normal for questions about your career to come up early on in the relationship. After all, you are getting to know each other. What’s not normal is to date a girl who right off the bat wants to know every detail about how much money you make. Even if she doesn’t blatantly ask this question, she could be fishing for an answer with a myriad of more subtle questions like what car you drive, what kind of vacations you take, where you shop for clothes, and what your house is like.

She never pays for anything.
 Culturally, it’s common for men to pick up the tab on date night. However, as your relationship progresses, a “normal” girl will at least offer to pay for her half of dinner or coffee instead of always assuming you’ll get it. Gold diggers will conveniently “leave their wallet at home” or disappear to the bathroom right as the check comes.

She’s always in some kind of financial crisis.
 Not only does the gold digger actively avoid paying for anything, she’s also highly likely to ask you for money. It’s typical for romantic partners to help each other out once in a while when they need it, but this usually doesn’t happen until they’ve been together quite a while. Gold diggers, however, will spin a tale of hardship and woe early on in a relationship, asking for money to help out with basic bills while continuing to freely spend cash on frivolous purchases that help them “keep up appearances.”

She has very expensive taste.
 Most girls love being pampered and treated like a princess. Most men enjoy getting to be that “knight in shining armor” making her dreams come true. But gold diggers take this too far by expecting everything given to her to be top-of-the-line, designer, exclusive, and expensive. In fact, she will likely be offended if every date doesn’t include a huge bouquet, a ritzy dinner, and a sparkly token of your affection.

She doesn’t use “please” and “thank you.”
A gold digger only values material possessions in your relationship. She expects and does not appreciate the things you do get her without doing anything for you. Many times, she will be visibly disappointed and even angry if your gifts aren’t as extravagant as she feels she deserves.
How to tell if your girlfriend is a gold digger?
What are the signs that your girlfriend is a gold digger?
Why are girls so materialistic these days?
What would you choose? Love or money?
Where do you draw the line when your girlfriend or boyfriend asks for a financial help?
How do you find out if your girlfriend loves you or not?
What to do if you find she is using you/he is using you?
How to deal with a sugar daddy?

班級第十名易當老闆 「情商」高是成功關鍵




林教授分析: 「第十名的學生無論是智商還是資歷都是中上等的,但是這類學生不會被分數控制,有更多的精力去涉獵更多的知識,抗壓能力比較強,而且人脈比較廣。」即所謂的「情商」較高。這樣的學生具備謀略學的六要素,即智能、情緒、逆境、社會、文化、意志,這也是創業所必須的。













(責任編輯:大紀元 江啟明)

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