週四(10/15)1.黃曉明世紀婚禮2.捐款4億 竟然挨罵

好友們:本周日10/17 下午3:30 讀書會 新聚會 週日電影欣賞討論    電影話題多 創意多  有助英文學習
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(兩部影片 1.把愛傳下去2.女人想甚麼?)

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AngelaBaby and Huang Xiaoming hold fairytale wedding

by Chary Liu on Thu, Oct 08, 2015

Chinese actress AngelaBaby (Running Man Movie) and Huang Xiaoming, a top Chinese actor (Summer's Desire), held a beautiful wedding yesterday at the Shanghai Exhibition Center. They have been in a relationship for five years.

They were spotted In Taiwan in 2009 by the paparazzi, but they both claimed to be friends then. On February 28, 2014 AngelaBaby held a birthday party in Hong Kong and Huang Xiaoming showed up as a big surprise with hundreds of roses and a luxury car. Huang Xiaoming even claimed AngelaBaby is "his woman."

During the Chinese Spring Festival in 2015, Huang Xiaoming took AngelaBaby to his hometown Shandong and got a marriage certificate there in May. Now Huang Xiaoming and AngelaBaby chose the Shanghai Exhibition Center for their wedding. Over 2000 guests are invited, including Fan Bingbing, Zhao Wei, and even Jack Ma, CEO of Alibaba. In the photo below, "ah" stands for the first letter of the couple, and it is displayed on the  Shanghai Exhibition Center.
Your opinion about AngelaBaby and Huang Xiaoming hold fairytale wedding?
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「John Paulson's $400 million donation」的圖片搜尋結果
捐款4 竟然挨罵
Hon Hai's Terry Gou donates US$218m to biomedical research  CNA

Terry Gou, chairman of Taiwan's Hon Hai Precision Industry, donated all of his cash dividends from his company Thursday to fund biomedical research at National Taiwan University (NTU).

The donation — estimated to be worth NT$7.1 billion (US$217.6 million) — will be made through the YongLin Healthcare Foundation, founded by Gou, as a new investment in the bio-medical project with NTU that is now estimated to have cost NT$18 billion (US$554 million), the foundation said in a statement.

In 2007, the foundation signed a memorandum of understanding with NTU in which Gou promised to donate a cancer hospital to NTU and develop a bio-medical engineering program. The hospital is scheduled to be completed by 2017.
The Problem With a $400 Million Harvard Gift

Hedge-fund mogul John Paulson's $400 million donation to Harvard University showcases what's wrong with big higher-education endowments and the megaphilanthropy that swells them, according to Quartz.

The gift Wednesday to Harvard's School of Engineering and Applied Sciences exemplifies a trend of billionaires "eager to give money to institutions that clearly don’t need it," writes Matt Phillips, who reports on finance and markets for the digital business-news outlet.

Harvard, with a $36-billion endowment, is the country's wealthiest university. Mr. Phillips notes the increasing share of higher-education philanthropy going to a handful of elite institutions and suggests policy makers consider changing tax laws that may create incentives for them to stockpile massive endowments.

Mr. Paulson, a Harvard alumnus, drew criticism from other online commentators for giving so much to his wealthy alma mater rather than to programs to help the needy, The Chronicle of Higher Education and The Washington Post note. A Wall Street Journal editorial laid the criticism to "envy and snark" and said people "ought to salute [Mr. Paulson's] willingness to give so much of [his fortune] away, to whomever he wants."
What do you think about Hon Hai's Terry Gou donates us$218m to biomedical research?
What is the problem with a $400 million Harvard gift?
Are all wealthy people morally obligated to give away some of their money?
Have you ever donate money to charity? Why?
How to ask rich people for money?
How can we contribute to charities without donating money?
What are the reasons to donate to charity?

巨頭捐款4 竟然挨罵 by 邱鴻安

華爾街巨頭鮑爾森(John Paulson),日前捐了4億元給哈佛,但竟然挨罵,消息公布後,網上一遍罵聲。去年,香港富商陳氏兄弟捐3.5億給哈佛,中國地產商潘石屹和張欣夫婦捐款給哈佛,也同樣受質疑。


除了哈佛沒有需要,還有一種令人更困擾的情況。自皮克提(Thomas Piketty)去年春天出版畫時代著作「21世紀資本論」後,美國1%99%的「收入不平等」已無須辯論,因為這已被證明為事實;換言之,美國社會中的財富越來越集中,富者越富,貧者越貧。鮑爾森捐巨款給哈佛,正好反映出財富集中的實際情況。





 捐款給哈佛挨罵的主要原因是,哈佛是全球最富有的大學,累積捐款360億,它並不需要捐款,還有其他更需要捐款的大學,為什麼不捐款貧者、卻一定要捐給富者? ......




上海展覽中心現場104公尺高的星星塔樓前,掛上大大「ah」字樣的看板,代表著黃曉明和Angelababy的英文名字縮寫。婚禮會場內,則是佈置成宛如皇家宮廷花園風格。就連送給媒體的禮物與休息區也打點的非常精致,現場佈滿了可愛的小餅乾,甚至有JO MALONE香氛陪襯,黃曉明深情貼心的細膩完全展現在這場世紀婚禮中。婚禮開場,播放了由黃嘉千女兒夏天所飾演Angelababy小時候的短片,Angelababy父親把女兒的手交給黃曉明,兩人在主婚人吳宇森和證婚人王中軍的見證下緊握雙手,交換戒指,互訂終生。隨後黃曉明說:「其實我今天真的很緊張,但我的baby你完蛋了,因為我從來沒有對一個女人這麼好過,除了我媽,我想要把所有最好的東西都給你,以後我要把你寵壞了,因為這樣別人就沒法把你搶走。」Angelababy則說:很高興人生的路上可以遇到你,以後如果遇到什麼不開心的事情,我都會在你的身後陪伴著你,這是我的夢想,希望到最後,你會說這輩子找我是正確的,快樂的。

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