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(兩部影片 1.把愛傳下去2.女人想甚麼?)

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「The youngest person to be cryogenically preserved」的圖片搜尋結果
Woman, 23, has her head frozen so she can be reborn after a cure for her brain cancer is found - against the wishes of her religious family   By James Nye MailOnline

A dying young woman has decided to place her faith in science and have herself frozen after her death until a cure is found for her brain cancer.

Kim Suozzi, 23, of St Louis, ignored the wishes of her religious family and decided to have her head placed in cryogenic storage after she entered into the final stages of her life.

Diagnosed with an aggressive form of Glioblastoma multiforme, Kim died on January 17th and spent the final two weeks of her life at a hospice n Scottsdale, Arizona, so that she was near to the cryopreservation center that she chose.

Frozen child: The youngest person to be cryogenically preserved

Earlier this year, a two-year-old Thai girl became the youngest person to be cryogenically frozen, preserving her brain moments after death in the hope that she will one day be brought back to life. 

her parents, both medical engineers, had made a decision that they hope may give Einz another chance of life.
Image caption Sahatorn and Nareerat Naovaratpong say they firmly believe Einz will live again in the future

"The first day Einz was sick, this idea came to my mind right away that we should do something scientifically for her, as much as is humanly possible at present," says her father, Sahatorn. "I felt a real conflict in my heart about this idea, but I also needed to hold onto it. So I explained my idea to my family."

That idea was to preserve Einz through technology known as cryonics. The body, or in Einz's case just her brain, is put into a deeply frozen state at the point of death, and kept that way until, at some point in the future, extraordinary advances in medical technology allow her to be revived, and for a new body to be created for her.

"As scientists we are 100% confident this will happen one day - we just don't know when," he said. "In the past we might have thought it would take 400 to 500 years, but right now we can imagine it might be possible in just 30 years.(bbc.com)
What is your opinion about that the youngest person to be cryogenically preserved?
What do you think about cryogenically preserved science?
In your opinion, could people be reborn?
Could humans live to 500 years old?
Could new technology help extend lifespan?
What does life after death look like?
Man who does a good deed every day for a year attracts thousands of fans

A 26-year-old retail buyer who performed random acts of kindness every day for a year has attracted thousands of fans to his 'Good Deed' blog.

Luke Cameron, from Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, was inspired to perform a daily good deed after the death of a family friend from cancer last year.

She hands down was the most amazing woman I will ever meet," he wrote on his blog. "She gave her whole life selflessly helping others around her and at her funeral over 4,000 people queued for 3 hours to get in and pay their respects.”

Luke Cameron's Good Deed Diary is followed by thousands of people

His daily good deeds included buying meals for strangers, baking cakes to send to friends and family and giving his colleagues morale-boosting handwritten messages.

"I guess its not everyday a perfect stranger decides to pay for your parking ticket, or your meal, or something as simple as a cup of tea," he said. "When someone is nice to you, your usual reaction is 'What do you want?'"

He started to hand out cards to the recipients of his good deeds explaining his challenge.

Since completing his challenge, Luke has beaten thousands of applicants to win the role of National Philanthropy Manager for Utility Aid, a Midlands-based non-profit organisation designed to help charities save money.

Dubbed the the "nicest job in Britain" the £35,000-a-year role will see Luke visiting UK charities to help raise money and increase publicity for the good causes.
Have your ever done a good deed?
Are willing selflessly helping others?
“Her funeral over 4,000 people queued for 3 hours to get in and pay their respects.”
How many people you would expect to take part in your future funeral?
Have your ever bought meals for strangers, baking cakes to send to friends?
Would you willing to give your life to rescue someone in dangerous situation?
Have you ever done volunteer work?


泰國一對醫學科學家夫婦的愛女馬瑟琳(Matheryn Naovaratpong),在今年初因罕見腦癌逝世,夫妻倆決定將女兒以超低溫冷凍法,冷凍他的大腦及身體,期盼女兒能隨著科技的進步,死而復活。


馬瑟琳的父母堅信以這樣的方式,女兒總有一天能夠死而復活,也害怕女兒復生時,兩老已不在人世,因此兩人決定死後也會接受大腦及身體冷凍。馬瑟琳的父親薩哈托(Sahatorn Naovaratpong)表示,「身為一名醫學科學家,我有百分之百的信心,一定會實現,我不知道何時,但以現在的技術來看,很有可能30年後就可達成。」
何謂“日行一善”   柳老師      

    一日,和幾個師範同學小聚。 很久不見,相談甚歡,舉杯暢飲。 酒席快散之時,同學張春問我:“你搞了這麼久'日行一善'。你能用最後的五分鐘解釋一下什麼是'日行一善'?”我想都沒有想,直接指著他正在吃飯的碗說:“不用五分鐘,一句話就能說明,你現在喝過酒,把飯吃了,身體保護好,回家不讓老婆生氣就是'日行一善'”“就這麼簡單?”“就這麼簡單!”旁邊的阿蒯又幫著解釋一番。

我最早理解並實施的“日行一善”就是鼓勵學生堅持每天做好事,並選擇一件把它記錄下來,去年,我把“日行一善”修正為“鼓勵學生堅持每天做好事,至少做一件好事。”今年,我把“日行一善”修正為“鼓勵學生堅持每天做好事”。 為什麼把“至少做一件好事”給取消掉了,因為每天做一件好事太容易了,很多人每天不止是“日行一善”,大部分人都是“日行幾善”,但能久而持之則非常難。

那麼如何堅持“日行一善”? 老祖先早就告訴我們如何去做了。 古代有位叫葛繁的人,官至太守。 有人請教他如何“日行一善” 繁曰:某力行善事,日或四五條,或至一二十條。 ​​今四十年,並無虛日。士問:“如何為善事?乃指坐間踏子曰:如此物置之不正,則蹙人足,某為正之;若人渴,與之杯水,皆利人事也。幾微言語動作,皆有可以利益於人者。自卿相至乞丐,皆可為之。惟行之攸久,乃有利益耳。



葛太守指著座下的椅凳說:“如果這個椅凳沒有放好,就會 妨礙人走路,我把它扶正放好 即是一善;如果有人口渴,我給他倒一杯水,即是一善……這些都是對人有好處的事情。每天通過幾句話或者隨手可做的小事,只要是對人有好處的都是善行。從王公 大臣到乞丐走卒,都可以這樣去做。只要做且能堅持的,最終都會受益匪淺的。 ”)

葛太守所言甚好,我以為“日行一善”有三義:一曰善二曰小三曰持,即首先確定要做的是善事,其次要做的多是小事,大事自不必說,最後就是堅持。 三者缺一不可。

老子曰:“天下難事必作於易,天下大事必於細。是以聖人終不為大,故能成其大。”是啊,小善不為,何為大善? 始終不以小善為小,方能成其大也,“日行一善”亦同此理。

  荀子言: 鍥而捨之,朽木不折;鍥而不捨,金石可鏤。 是啊,行事不能持久,只能是廢品,連次品都談不上,   “日行一善”亦同此理。 


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