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「get unstuck in a rut」的圖片搜尋結果
How to get unstuck in a rut    by  dowerandhollingsworth

1. Analyse your emotions. It’s completely human to feel sad or low, but take 10 minutes to sit down and think about why you feel like you do. I find it useful to just sit down on the floor (I think this is to do with feeling grounded) with a blank piece of paper, a bright pen and just write down everything that you’re feeling. This “emotion evacuation” will make you feel like you’ve taken a weight off your shoulders and you can read back everything you’ve written to truly get to the root of your feelings.

2. Clear your head. If you feel like you just can’t carry on, stop what you’re doing at exactly that moment. Even if you’re at work, stop typing, stop writing, down tools and get up and go for a walk. Make sure you get outside to take in some fresh air and just feel free in that moment.

3. Meditate, or try to. The benefits of meditation are all over the Interweb at the moment. I have found that my sense of stillness and calmness increase when I meditate, and my perception of a situation normalises. The only thing is, when you’re stuck in a rut, sometimes it feels bloody impossible to meditate. Just stick it out – even if it’s 5 minutes of trying to clear your thoughts. And I highly recommend the Headspace app which has helped me with my meditation practice no end.

4. Do some exercise. I am a true advocate that getting a little sweaty makes you instantly feel better. Whether it’s going for a run in the park, going to the barre or doing some mental kind of high-intensity training, get that gym kit on and sweat out that negativity!

5. Treat yourself. Here at D&HQ we’re all for treating ourselves! And we don’t just mean buying yourself a lovely pressie from *insert name of your fave shop* but we also mean have a bath, light some candles, have a little pamper or even have some big cuddles with someone special. Remind yourself that you’re a wonderful person and just take some time to yourself to get back to your happy place.
How to get unstuck in a rut?
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How to get rid of negative thoughts?
How to clear your mind?

「negative emotions!」的圖片搜尋結果
Wave goodbye to negative emotions!

2.  Don't react.
Reaction indicates that you are judging what you are experiencing. For example, you may be judging that someone is wrong in a particular situation. Instead of going there, just say to yourself, They have an interesting point of view, and I have an interesting point of view. This helps you to stop taking what's happening between you so seriously and personally. If you do react, please don't beat yourself up. Be kind and just laugh it off.

3.  Accept, rather than resist.
Be neutral. Be like Teflon and let what negativity or judgment that is coming your way, slide right past you. Don't let it land with you.

4.  Forgive yourself.
Forgive yourself for any transgression or neglect that has been displayed toward your Higher Self.

5.  Choose a different perspective.
Take action by choosing another perspective. If you let the negativity land with you, you are choosing to take it seriously and to engage with it.  Instead, choose something else. Ask yourself, What do I choose to experience now?

6.  Let it go
Release it by making it part of your past. Stay present. Be in faith and trust that you are a divine and infinite being. Each new moment is your chance to play and create something new.

7.  Be grateful.
Be thankful for this experience. Thank your body for giving you more awareness.
How to get rid of negative emotions!
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How to let go and forgive?
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