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「George Clooney」的圖片搜尋結果
George Clooney Earns $40 Million from Nespresso Deal

George Clooney is reported to have earned an estimated $40 million as Nespresso’s brand ambassador.

The 52-year-old actor has been the face of Nepresso, a capsule coffee company of Nestle, for seven years.

Clooney signed with the Swiss company in 2006. “I’m very comfortable with commercials. I’ve done them most of my life,” He added, “Most of the money I make on the [Nespresso] commercials I spend keeping a satellite over the border of North and South Sudan to keep an eye on Omar al-Bashir [the Sudanese dictator charged with war crimes at The Hague].”

Clooney was reported to have shelled out millions for a Sudan project designed towards the monitoring of human rights abuses in the country.

Nespresso is also planning to develop coffee plantations in Yei, South Sudan in the Imatong Mountains, Eastern Equatoria State, and along the Boma plateau in the west.

I am excited for the opportunity to bring together my role as an ambassador for Nespresso and an advocate for a better future for the people of South Sudan,” he said. However, Nespresso will not yet begin selling South Sudan coffee until 2015.

Recently, Nespresso announced they are extending into Africa and will double the amount of coffee sourced from Ethiopia and Kenya to 10,000 tons by 2020.
What do you think Eva airline going to hire George Clooney as brand ambassador?
What do you think about celebrity endorsements?
What do you think about “George Clooney is reported to have earned an estimated $40 million as Nespresso’s”?
Do actors get paid too much?
What do you think about Hollywood actors lifestyle?
What is the effect of celebrity endorsements in advertising?

A Great Reason Why People Need to Watch Comedy Movies  EzineArticles.com

Everyone needs a good laugh from time to time. That is when we go to see a good comedy. There are many reasons why this genre of movies is good. Everyone needs a little bit of laughter at some point in their life. They have to smile because things in this life just wear us out and break us down. However, there is a good thing or two to know about comedies.

Comedies are suitable for people from all age groups. There are cartoons for kids and more matured content for adults and teenagers. Comedy is a way to keep people from all walks of life entertained. Some comedies are based on family values, therefore making it suitable for parents and children to watch and enjoy together.

Nevertheless, some of the materials used to make people laugh have been pretty controversial. There have been some comedies that are based on jokes that demean a person's sexual orientation. Gays and lesbians have been bashed greatly in most comedy flicks. It is very common to turn on your TV to watch a movie, and to find that there is a gay or lesbian in the movie that has all the perceived characteristics associated with homosexuals.

There are also some films that make comedy out of racist jokes. People tend to laugh when they show a movie where a Mexican is driving a van recklessly when there are other drivers on the road. Some make racist jokes about black people. Contrary to what is being fought for by human rights, our society has taught us that making fun with racism is very acceptable.

There might have been times that come you have gone to watch a comedy movie and left the cinema finding that the movie is not funny at all. There are some movies that just try too hard to be funny. You probably would have seen at least one of these lousy comedies. We wonder where the directors came up with such a plot for these films. It is almost as though someone who was smoking weed had put random videos together and called it a movie.

However, there are some comedies that touch the heart and stick to you. Many favored movies that made jokes about previous movies that have been released. Many of you will remember the Scary Movies films which made fun of several horror movies. We laughed because Scary Movie made fun of other horrific and scary movies, and turned it into a light-hearted movie.
Do you like witch comedy?
Do you like scary movies?
What kind of movie you like most?
Do you like movies associated with homosexuals?
How to get through a tough or bad day?
What are the benefits of laughter?

〔即時新聞/綜合報導〕好大手筆!據傳,長榮航空正在跟好萊塢紅星喬治克隆尼談代言,整個代言加行銷費用預計超過10 億台幣,以強攻美國市場。


長榮航空之前曾請「男神」金城武拍攝「I SEE YOU」廣告,效果叫好又叫座,但這次主攻北美航線,改找西方口味紅星代言。


1 則留言:

  1. To Johnson: nigger 比negro更嚴重,很可能被打的那種,但黑人自己會講 且很常出現在rapper裡,他們自己可以講我們是絕對不行的!
    另外 我想要更正 black people 也有點歧視意味,"African American" seems to be the most politically correct form.
