週四(10/29)1.一起《回到未來》2.為他人花錢 增加幸福感?

本周日11/1 午後3:30 有電影欣賞 英文討論聚會 歡迎您來參加  (陽光甜味咖啡館)

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「Back to the Future」的圖片搜尋結果
'Back to the Future' Day: Time is in flux, and the 'Future' is today   By Todd Leopold, CNN

 (CNN)—"Back to the Future" Day has finally arrived.

In "Back to the Future Part II," Marty McFly travels to October 21, 2015, to save his children, yet to be born in "Back to the Future's" 1985.

What did 'Back to the Future II' get right?

The plot gets tangled -- by fixing one thing, McFly and Doc Brown (and the villainous Biff Tannen) create a number of new messes -- but what remains is the film's vision of a year that was still more than a quarter-century away when the movie was shot and released in 1989. The entire trilogy is even being rereleased Wednesday, so you can see for yourself.

The film's record isn't bad, given that director Robert Zemeckis wasn't pleased with setting part of "Back to the Future II" in 2015.

"I always hated -- and I still don't like -- movies about the future," he says in a new book, "Back to the Future: The Ultimate Visual History." "I just think they're impossible, and somebody's always keeping score."

If you were given one opportunity to time travel, would you go back and change something in your past or would you go and explore your future? Why?

1. If I had one oppurtunity to either go back in time or go into the future I would go back in time. It is funny how man cqn follow his downfall to one past indiscretion. I would merely fix my one mistake and move on from there.
2.  If I go back in time, not only would i be correcting my mistake, but also the lesson learnt through it.
If I go into the future and learn about it, I would become someone who would not dare to dream anything bigger than what I had seen.
What do you think that "Back to the Future" Day has finally arrived”?
In your opinion, Could it be possible that "Back to the Future”? (or Back to the past)
What are your opinion that there were some new invention in the film?
If you were given one opportunity to time travel, would you go back and change something in your past or would you go and explore your future? Why?
Do you regret that the mistakes you made in the past?
Do you like sci fi movies? Why?

「spending promotes happiness?」的圖片搜尋結果
為他人花錢 增加幸福感?
Why prosocial spending promotes happiness?   positivepsychologyprogram

Why is it that spending our money on others—prosocial spending—makes us happier?

It’s partly because giving to others makes us feel good about ourselves, just like showing our gratefulness does, as explained in the effects of gratitude. It helps promote a view of ourselves as responsible and giving people, which in turn makes us feel happy. It’s also partly because spending money on others helps cement our social relationships. And people with stronger social ties are generally happier.

So if prosocial spending makes us feel good, how come we tend to think personal spending will make us happier? It’s because of the insidious effect money has on the mind. Studies have shown that the simplest reminder of money has all kinds of negative effects (from Vohs et al., 2006). It makes us:

    Less likely to help others.
    Less likely to donate to charity.
    Less likely to spend time with others.
    Three times more likely to want to work alone, despite knowing we’re taking on more work.

These are all precisely the behaviours that are likely to make us happy, yet just being reminded of money makes us less likely to engage in them. It’s not that money is always evil; under the right circumstances it can motivate us and modern societies would be difficult without it. But money clearly has some negative psychological effects. Generosity can be a very effective antidote.
Research suggests that many people think that spending money on themselves will make them happier than spending it on other people.
Why is it that spending our money on others makes us happier?
Do you feel good when giving to others or treating others?
What are the ways to help improve your social relationships?
What are the ways to help improve friendships?
Sharing experiences that spending money on others? 
How to expand your social network?
How to make others happy?


撰文者:蘇宇庭 發表日期:2015/10/21




1. 小熊隊奪冠

2. NIKE懶人智慧鞋
男主角馬蒂第一次到2015年,就被要求要換上2015年的人該穿的衣物,而其中一個配件,就是這雙NIKE鞋子。只要把腳一放進鞋子裡,這雙NIKE智慧鞋就會自動把鞋帶收緊,NIKE標誌還會自動發光,因此許多NIKE的粉絲也一直期盼NIKE能實現電影裡的預言。NIKE也不負眾望,預計在2015年底推出外型、功能都酷似電影裡那雙鞋子,並命名為NIKE Air MAG

3. 飛行汽車
4. 聲控電視
女主角珍妮佛躲在門後觀察2015年時他們一家人的生活,看到自己未來的兒子小馬蒂,站在電視機前用口語下指令,電視就會自動幫他轉到想看的頻道,更神奇的是,他還能同步觀看2個以上的頻道!其實,這不就是現在各大電視廠商力推的聲控電視嗎?在今年Apple新品發表會上,Apple也推出擁有Siri語音助理功能的Apple TV,而且,如今消費者在Apple TV上也可以同步觀看2個頻道了。

5. 視訊通話
透過螢幕視訊通話,這對現代人來說完全不陌生。包括SkypeFaceTimeGoogle Hanghouts等工具,或者LINEFacebook Messenger等通訊軟體也早已開始提供語音及視訊通話功能。

6. 智慧煮食器
只要將一塊小於手掌的Pizza放進這個機器,用語音下達指令,不出三秒鐘,拿出來的就會是個正常大小且冒著熱煙的美味Pizza!這個預言雖然還未完全實現,不過市面上也已經出現各種讓食物製成更方便的工具,例如可以「列印」食物的Foodini 3D食物列印機。

7. 智慧眼鏡

8. 指紋辨識

9. 漂浮滑板
搭乘漂浮滑板馳騁在街道上,不只是電影裡最為人所津津樂道的經典場面,更是許多影迷希望能一舉成真的產品!新創團隊Hendo就預計在20151021日,也就是主角們回到未來的那一天,推出可以漂浮在地面上的Hendo Hoverboard,它可離地大約1呎,負重約500磅。不過,由於它是運用類似磁浮列車的原理,因此必須在特殊的金屬表面上使用,不像電影裡面可以自由控制方向,不過還是令許多影迷非常期待。

10. 3D投影

即便預言無法成真,許多公司也都搶在今時今日向電影裡的場景「致敬」。例如電影裡曾出現第19集《大白鯊》預告片,雖然電影公司並未有計劃籌拍,但仍然製作了一小段預告片滿足影迷的期待。NIKE會積極開發NIKE Air MAG,也算是受了電影的「刺激」,讓他們不得不加快腳步搶在今年發表。只能說,《回到未來2》這部經典電影,確實有它的魅力與時代意義。

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