週五(10/16)1.怎知她已愛上你?2. 330萬成年人不快樂

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(兩部影片 1.把愛傳下去2.女人想甚麼?)

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「Falling in Love」的圖片搜尋結果
How to Tell if Someone Is Falling in Love With You  by Timothy Lemke

Step 1

Pay close attention to your partner's body language when he's around you. According to research by renowned UCLA psychologist, Albert Mehrabian, body language is key in determining how someone feels about you. If your significant other initiates a lot of physical contact when near you, then the odds are that he has strong feelings toward you.
Step 2

Listen to the tone of your partner's voice during your conversations, and then compare her tone when you hear her talking to others. Mehrabian's research also indicates that you can tell how someone feels toward you by listening carefully to the tone of her voice both when she talks to you and talks to others about you. If your significant other uses a sweet, caring and compassionate tone when talking to you, it is likely that her attraction toward you is growing.

Step 3

Count the number of times your significant other contacts you throughout the day. Love triggers the release of the neurotransmitter serotonin in the brain. Researchers believe that high levels of serotonin can cause a person to constantly think about a partner, according to the website, youramazingbrain.org. Therefore, the more he calls, the more he is obviously thinking about you, which is an indication of his love.


Ask your significant other how she feels about you and whether or not she loves you. By being blunt and straightforward, you have the best chance of knowing for sure how your partner feels.
How to Tell if Someone Is Falling in Love With You?  
What body language could show love signs?
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Around 3.3 million Taiwanese people unhappy: survey   CNA

Taipei, Oct. 2 (CNA) A study of Taiwanese people's sense of happiness and depression, released Friday, showed that 17.1 percent of surveyed adults around Taiwan were either unhappy or very unhappy.

Based on official data that the population of people aged 18 or older was 19 million this year, that meant some 3.3 million people were unhappy.

Among the unhappy locals, nearly 50 percent showed obvious signs of depression, with some requiring professional assistance, said Yeh Ya-hsing (葉雅馨), head of the mental health section of John Tung Foundation, on Friday as she publicized the survey's findings.

John Tung Foundation is a Taipei-based civil group devoted to the promotion of public health.

According to the survey conducted in June and July, 76.2 percent of those polled either said they were "happy" or "very happy," while 17.1 percent said they were "not happy" or "very unhappy."

This is the first time the foundation conducted such a study from the angle of happiness and depression, after 17 years of work in depression prevention and control, Yeh said.

The study found that among the "happy" citizens, nearly 30 percent had exercised regularly for at least six months, while nearly 60 percent of those who said they were "unhappy" are people who rarely or never exercise, according Yeh.

She suggested people take part in more pleasant activities or those with positive influences on their moods, such as helping or expressing care for other people, to raise their feeling of happiness.

Psychiatrist Fan Le-chun said maintaining a daily routine and exercising regularly are the most fundamental ways to keep one's mentality in a healthy condition.

The survey, conducted on adults aged 18 or older, randomly selected people from 94 different locations around Taiwan. It received a total of 4,790 valid samples.

Why Around 3.3 million Taiwanese people unhappy?
What are the common factors make people unhappy?
What are the factors make people happy?
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Which cities in Taiwan have good wellbeing?
Do women happier than men?
How to have a good mood?





你快樂嗎?董氏基金會今年首度進行 「國人主觀快樂程度、生活習慣與憂鬱關聯性調查」發現,結果發現76.2%的受訪者覺得自己快樂及非常快樂;覺得自己非常不快樂及不太快樂者佔17.1%,若依內政部資料104年度18歲以上成人數1900萬換算,約有330萬人不快樂。其中在不快樂的國人當中,近五成有明顯的憂鬱情緒需專業協助,整體而言女性比男性快樂。




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