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Naked roller coaster record
Naked roller coaster riders attempted a world record and failed, but raised €14k for charity

But dozens of thrill seekers braved the cold weather to strip off and take part in a naked roller coaster ride to raise thousands of pounds for charity.

The Guinness World Record was set in 2010 when 102 people rode the Green Scream at Adventure Island in Southend without any clothes. Naked roller coaster record(Nick Ansell/PA)

Five years on, 57 people celebrated the world record by riding the attraction in the buff, raising more than €13,000 for Southend Hospital Charitable Foundation’s Keyhole Cancer Appeal.

They travelled from all over the UK, including Edinburgh, Newcastle and Swindon, to take part in the challenge. Naked roller coaster record(Nick Ansell/PA)

It’s been an absolutely superb day with people all enjoying the chance to do something memorable, good fun and raise a large amount of money for a fantastic, local charity,” said Adventure Island operations director Andrew Renton.

We’ve heard some amazing stories from so many who have been directly, or indirectly, affected by cancer and wanted to give something back. Naked roller coaster record(Nick Ansell/PA)

I am really proud Adventure Island could offer them this opportunity. Admittedly it would have been nice to have bettered our record – but we are still the World Record holders at the end of the day.”

Lucy Thomas-Clayton, from Southend Hospital Charitable Foundation, said: “It takes a lot of nerve to take off all your clothes in front of complete strangers, plus the world’s media – so we would like to say a massive thank you to everyone who was brave enough to bare all and raise such a huge amount of cash for our vitally important cause.”
What do you think about this naked roller coaster ride?
Do you like roller coaster ride?
What do you think about this saying “It takes a lot of nerve to take off all your clothes in front of complete strangers”?
Sharing experiences about amusement parks?
What are the ways for raising money for charity?
What things you would do if you tried to break a world record?
Do you know that world records in The Guinness World Record?
What is wrong about nudity?

Why We Love Bad News More Than Good News    psychologytoday

Most news we see and hear is negative, and replete with disasters, terrorism, crime, scandals and corruption. Does the media create that negative news bias or does it respond to our preference for bad news over good news?

A recent study by the Pew Research Center for People (link is external) & the Press synthesizes 165 separate national surveys and finds that American news preferences have remained “surprisingly static” over the last twenty years. Study author Michael J. Robinson reports, not surprisingly, war and terrorism have consistently ranked at the top of the stack since 1986, where the study begins. So have bad weather, and natural or manmade disaster stories, although the latter stand out for having witnessed a precipitous drop in public interest, one of the rare instances of significant change. In contrast, money news is the only category that has grown notably more popular with time. Crime, health, and politics have consistently ranked as mid-level interest categories. Science and technology, foreign news that is not directly related to the U.S., and tabloid and entertainment news have consistently ranked lowest in the public eye.

 Robinson found “Polarizing social issues involving family, sexuality, patriotism and God engender the highest levels of attention,” and Crime, health, and politics ranks lowest among all news preferences. Writing for The Nation, Eric Alterman argues (link is external) that the lack of interest in this subject is the study’s “most shocking” conclusion. The finding is especially surprising given the “major changes in the news ‘menu,’” that Robison describes, where “substantial coverage” devoted to stories such as Paris Hilton’s incarceration and Anna Nicole Smith’s death.

Yet what is truly fascinating is the explanation for this contradiction between interest and coverage: “Even the smallest shifts in ratings can cause news organizations to alter substantially their news focus,” Robinson writes, and often toward “a lower common denominator.” But these alterations, marked by “saturation” coverage, are often temporary and aimed at capturing the niche rather than the national audience. This harkens back to the earlier, chicken-and-egg discussion of where interest lags behind coverage, and where it exceeds coverage. “That the national news audience does not shift its news diet nearly so quickly as news organizations shift their news menu” is one of the most important take-away messages for journalists in Robinson’s study.
Do you like bad news?
Why We Love Bad News More Than Good News
Does the media create that negative news bias or does it respond to our preference for bad news over good news?
Do you like new reports about disasters, terrorism, crime, scandals and corruption?
What are the news could caught the public interest?
Do you like news reports relate to celebrities?
Do you like news reports relate to Crime, health, and politics?




你應該聽過:「流血就能上頭條。」那是真的!因為新聞節目工作者知道,如果晚間新聞的頭條是報導女童軍因為撰寫行善短文而獲得1,000 美元獎金的溫馨消息,沒人會看。他們知道頭條要放失火、傷害、暴動、搶劫、謀殺、陰謀等報導。





「研究團隊認為他們的實驗可以說是證明人類有「負面偏好」(negativity bias)的證據,負面偏好是心理學上的一個詞,意思是人類都特別喜歡聽到並記下壞消息。




2015-10-27 14:23:13作者: 花開若相惜つ閱讀: 61次點贊: 0次鄙視: 0次收藏:0次由ozdav.net收集整理



根據外電報導,許多人總是嫌雲霄飛車不夠刺激,所以想出了「全裸坐雲霄飛車」的活動,挑戰自己的極限,在大庭廣眾的遊樂園裡,一絲不掛地乘坐著刺激的雲霄飛車,可說是史上最刺激! 而近來就有五十幾名的帥哥與美女在英國紹德森(Southend)的冒險島遊樂園(AdventureIsland)大膽挑戰,更希望能藉此募得癌症慈善基金,幫助有需要幫助的人。

2012年時,共有102名挑戰者於同樣的冒險島遊樂園創下裸體乘坐「綠色尖叫」(GreenScream)雲霄飛車的「金氏世界紀錄」。 這回又有57名熱血的帥哥美女大膽力挺,為紹德森醫院的癌症基金會募款,成功募得了超過1萬英鎊! 徹底實踐了「全裸公益」的精神!

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